Petra Macáková
Petra is a visionary, one of the leaders of the Czech, It's a New Day movement, and the Head of the Prophetic Ministry to the Nations work within the movement.
She is a member of several prophetic movements not only in the Czech Republic but also in international teams (Poland, France, Austria, SK, Hungary).
She has experience in leading international watches as a co-leader of dance. (Poland - Kalish, Germany - Herrnhut, CZ, Hungary, Israel, etc.).
Petra has been dancing prophetically since 2014. She studied at the International School of Worship in Poland and France.
She has taught at the School of Worship in the Czech Republic and the Spiritual Gifts Course and was in the leadership of the House of Prayer Czech Republic.
She founded a team carrying out spiritual warfare in the streets through praise and worship and has also worked as an actress in the theatre.
For her church Petra created a Leisure Activities Centre vision and coordinated the centre for 3 years (the Centre ran clubs and workshops with different focuses - art, English language, history, music, dance, creative arts, organized trips etc). The aim was to create a space for Christians and non-Christians to meet and use the talents God has placed in them.
She also taught in a children's Bible school and organized children's theater and cultural programs.

Petra carries in her heart the desire to:
- Change the spiritual atmosphere especially in Prague, the Czech Republic, Europe and Israel.
- Show love and mercy to all people.
- Proclaim Jesus Christ risen, alive, healing and liberating.
I desire for everyone to experience the greatness of God's love, the embrace of Father God and Jesus' touch and to have a relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit. I always want to be one heart and one breath with Him and I expect greater miracles than I have seen before!
I feel that we are in a time of renewal and reformation. The old wells of our inheritance are being renewed, releasing what was clouded, and clear springs of water are flowing through us in the land. We are the salt and light of this earth and have been entrusted with power and authority executed through business, teaching, practical deeds... Let us get hold of it, according to the authority given to us.