A gathering is a meeting of people who have heard the call to gather together in the presence of God for the sake of their nation in a sacred assembly as in Joel 2 and in Antioch Acts 13.
Gathering is not a conference. We are not gathering around famous speakers. There is no program except to minister to the Lord and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are going to adore Him until He releases us or speaks to us.
Gatherings begin by honouring God through worship and adoration, opening our hearts to Him, and waiting on Him to hear what is on His heart for Czechia at this time. We will be attentive to His leading and follow His guidance as He directs our time together.
The gathering are facilitated by spiritual fathers and mothers, national and international leaders who steward the direction of the gathering by being attentive to the Holy Spirit's leading.
Our first regional gathering was held on 16 February 2019 in Ústí nad Labem.
It focused on reconciliation between the generations according to Malachi 4. The topic of reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics was also raised.
Second was a regional Gathering in České Budějovice on 19 October 2019, where we renounced the orphan spirit and the spirit of false religion and further deepened the reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics.
The National Gathering EMBRACE in September 2020, on the 400th Anniversary of the Battle of White Mountain, focused on reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics. We also experienced reconciliation between men and women and realized that God the Father is now comfortable in our nation and wants to dwell among us.
The Inheritance national gathering was held in September 2021 to mark the 400th anniversary of the Old Town Square execution (execution of 27 Bohemian leaders) and concerned our relationship with authority. We repented of our attitudes towards leaders and resolved to submit to them in a right way and also to stand rightly in our positions of authority. Through a powerful prophetic revelation we realized that our nation was newly born in the spirit.
In April 2022, we held an international gathering Nations for Peace, where we stood before God as an international family and interceded for a solution to the conflict in Ukraine.